To develop resilience of the members of the institution, Cebu Normal University’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) directed an earthquake drill followed by a conscientious evaluation in Eva Macapagal Memorial Arts (EMMA) Center yesterday, as instructed in Republic Act 10121, an Act Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System. The drill focused continue reading : CNU carries out quake drill

Golden years of public service
Gold ring awarded to CNU public servants who spent 35 to 40 years working in the University. / Photo by Kim Francis Rodriguez Cebu Normal University (CNU) honored three of its public servants who spent 35 to 40 years of their lives in the University. Everyone has their own take in choosing the number of continue reading : Golden years of public service

CNU: A sustainable and eco-friendly school
Cebu Normal University (CNU) showcased environmental efforts as juries assessed the school vying for the 2019 National Search for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Schools. CNU presented its environment-friendly initiatives that encompass the three-fold functions of the University: instruction, research, and extension through its different programs and projects exhibited under the five strands, namely solid waste management, continue reading : CNU: A sustainable and eco-friendly school

CNU Alumni win Jury Prize at Nabifilmex 7
Cebu Normal University Bachelor of Arts in Communication graduates bagged the Jury Prize award for their film “Naro 626” in the Nabunturan Independent Film Exhibition 7 at Cinematheque Centre Nabunturan, Compostela Valley last September 29, 2019. Nabifilmex is an annual film festival that is geared towards producing new and fresh cinematic works that will depict continue reading : CNU Alumni win Jury Prize at Nabifilmex 7

CNU-Balamban’s 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming
CNU Balamban Campus celebrated their 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming. The event took place last Saturday, October 5, 2019 at the CNU Balamban campus with the theme Bridging Diversity, Strengthening Solidarity. CNU Balamban graduates from batch 2009 to 2018 attended the gathering. The occasion started with a mass followed by the program proper which included sharing continue reading : CNU-Balamban’s 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming

Grateful students pay tribute to their awesome teachers
(Photo by Ang Suga) Cebu Normal University (CNU) students paid tribute to all Normalite educators as the World Teachers’ Day is celebrated. All teachers from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Teacher Education (CTE) and Integrated Laboratory School (ILS), and College of Nursing (CN) were gathered at the Samuel McClintock (SM) Hall continue reading : Grateful students pay tribute to their awesome teachers

CNU-CTE hurdles two AACCUP visits
Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP) conducted two visits in Cebu Normal University (CNU) to accredit two curricular programs of the College of Teacher Education (CTE). AACCUP conducted its 3rd survey visit for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Research and Evaluation (PhD RE) program and a continue reading : CNU-CTE hurdles two AACCUP visits
CNU Balamban Campus 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming
Cebu Normal University Balamban Campus will be celebrating its 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming this coming October 05, 2019, Saturday, 3:00 PM in the Afternoon at CNU Balamban Campus Grounds.

CNU President speaks in National Assembly of Education Leaders
The Association of Department of Education (DepEd) Directors, Inc. invited Cebu Normal University (CNU) President Filomena Dayagbil as discussant during the national assembly of education leaders held on September 24-26, 2019 at the Marriott Hotel in Pasay City with the theme, Challenged Leaders: Embracing the Future, Braving the Challenges. Together with Dr. Dayagbil in the continue reading : CNU President speaks in National Assembly of Education Leaders