SEAMEO INNOTECH is offering the online course, TEACH ON: Keeping the Passion Alive to all teachers for FREE. Successful course completers of TEACH ON will receive an international certificate of participation from SEAMEO INNOTECH as well as 15 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits for the renewal of their license. The course aims to inspire, rekindle continue reading : SEAMEO INNOTECH Online Course

iCARE: CNU’s means of saying it cares
Cebu Normal University (CNU) launched a program to assist its students, faculty, office personnel, and other stakeholders in the time of health crisis brought by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The program is called Innovative CNU Assistance and Relief Effort (iCARE). The creation of iCARE was conceptualized by CNU President Dr. Filomena Dayagbil and was established continue reading : iCARE: CNU’s means of saying it cares

CAS Dean translates knowledge into an act of care
Dr. Milagros Greif, CAS Dean, is concocting the 70% ethyl alcohol with mosquito repellent inside CNU’s Biology laboratory to supply personnel in time of the COVID-19 scare. / Photo by Kim Francis Rodriguez Times of crisis call generous people with big hearts to extend their helping hands to those who need it and gladly, one continue reading : CAS Dean translates knowledge into an act of care

COVID-19: Igniting the hero in us
We all need a hero at some point in our lives, right? When we face difficulties or when we encounter terrible situations. Most people would probably think of those working in the medical field: doctors, nurses, and the like as heroes without capes brought by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which they really are. But continue reading : COVID-19: Igniting the hero in us

CNU employees work from home amid possible COVID-19 local outbreak
Cebu Normal University (CNU) employees were mandated to work from home after classes in all levels were suspended and a state of general community quarantine by the Cebu City Government due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak was declared. The Work from Home Arrangement has been authorized by CNU President Dr. Filomena Dayagbil through continue reading : CNU employees work from home amid possible COVID-19 local outbreak

CNU-CTE reps earn 1st RU in JEA quiz bowl 2020
Cebu Normal University (CNU)-College of Teacher of Education (CTE) students were hailed 1st runner-up in the Junior Educators’ Alliance (JEA) Inter-school Quiz Bowl 2020. The JEA Inter-school Quiz Bowl: Battle of the Brains was held last Friday, March 6 at the Audio Visual Room, Eriberto Jueco Sr. building of the University of Southern Philippines Foundation continue reading : CNU-CTE reps earn 1st RU in JEA quiz bowl 2020

3 Normalites experience being state diplomats in AYIMUN 2020
Three college students from Cebu Normal University (CNU) took part in an international conference that enabled them to hone their diplomatic, public speaking, and debate skills together with young leaders across the globe discussing world issues and the possible ways to solve them. These students are Margarito Leonard Roy Roldan, Shella Carpina, and William Jefferson continue reading : 3 Normalites experience being state diplomats in AYIMUN 2020

Graduate students and educators learn new trends in food processing
Current food processing techniques were learned by Cebu Normal University (CNU) graduate school students and faculty members through a lecture conducted by a volunteer professor from South Korea. A Lecture on Emerging Trends in Food Processing was held last February 15, 2020 at the Tandang Sora Nursing Hall. It was attended by graduate students who major in continue reading : Graduate students and educators learn new trends in food processing

Passion for teaching ignites volunteer Professor
It feels great to be able to find one’s niche and do what you like most because it gives you satisfaction or gratification. Dr. Kong Hwan Kim, even reaching the age of 70, still chooses to continue doing volunteer service in teaching after retiring from Ajou University College of Engineering in South Korea. He has continue reading : Passion for teaching ignites volunteer Professor

English Fellows Organization: Back on Track
Two years after its slumber, the English Fellows (EF) Organization comprising of English Language and Literature major students from College of Teacher Education (CTE) and College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) awakened through celebrating the English Studies and Other Languages (ESOL) Month last February 26-27, 2020. The organization was founded almost four decades ago, joining continue reading : English Fellows Organization: Back on Track