Cebu Normal University (CNU) Integrated Laboratory School (ILS) students exemplified unity in diversity as they celebrated the United Nations (UN) month. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Teams’ Day and Convocation also took place on the same day making it a triple event. Students and faculty members paraded on the ILS Centennial Stage dressed in a continue reading : ILS celebrates UN month

7th International (8th National) Teacher Education Student Conference
The 7th International (8th National) Teacher Education Student Conference (TEStCon) organized by Cebu Normal University – College of Teacher Education has been moved from April 3-4, 2020 to October 23-24, 2020 at the Cebu Normal University Teaching Arts Centrum Auditorium. The new schedule is in consideration of the CHED guidelines for the prevention, control, and continue reading : 7th International (8th National) Teacher Education Student Conference

Extension Business Week: Empowering communities
Cebu Normal University (CNU) through its External Affairs and International Linkages (EAIL) office held its Extension Business Week to converge the academe, industry, and its community partners. The two day event took place last October 25 and 26, 2019 at the CNU Teaching Arts Centrum (TAC) building. The first day was attended by community partners continue reading : Extension Business Week: Empowering communities

CTE remains atop for Intrams 2019
Bagging a total of 60 gold, 55 silver, and 35 bronze medals, the College of Teacher Education (CTE) was once again hailed as the champion during the culminating ceremony of the Intramural Sports Events 2019 at Cebu Normal University (CNU) Inner Court, yesterday. Through their dedication, CTE was able to defend their winning streak, making continue reading : CTE remains atop for Intrams 2019

Balik Scientist Program awardee collaborates with CNU
Balik Scientist Awardee partnered with Cebu Normal University (CNU) to implement its research project about senior citizens’ health. Balik Scientist is a program of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) which encourages migrants who are naturally born from the Philippines to be back in continue reading : Balik Scientist Program awardee collaborates with CNU

GPPB-TSO collaborates with CNU to yield procurement experts
Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) through its Technical Support Office (TSO) has partnered with Cebu Normal University (CNU) to implement its Professionalization program to train Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) members, secretariats, Technical Working Group (TWG) and others on procurement processes. According to Dr. Rodin Paspasan, BAC Vice Chair, CNU was chosen by GPPB-TSO among continue reading : GPPB-TSO collaborates with CNU to yield procurement experts

Intramurals 2019 institutes despite budget complications
Despite the lack of budget brought upon by the implementation of free tuition fees within state universities, Cebu Normal University (CNU) launches its annual Intramural Games with fury and fires, along with the cancellation of Cultural Festival. “Wala nay budget ang school, last year naa pa man to, kadtong wala pa gi-implement ang free tuition continue reading : Intramurals 2019 institutes despite budget complications

CNU-ILS Intramurals 2019: Shaping Champions, Inspiring Changes
The glamorous golden dragon. The resilient red phoenix. The wild white stallion. Mythical creatures have graced the premises to embody the three houses of the Cebu Normal University (CNU) Integrated Laboratory School (ILS) during the opening ceremony of the ILS Intramurals 2019. Loud cheers filled the ILS stage this morning, as both elementary and high continue reading : CNU-ILS Intramurals 2019: Shaping Champions, Inspiring Changes

CNU accomplishes FIRe 2019
In commemoration of the pursuit to advanced knowledge generation through research, Cebu Normal University (CNU) hosted the CNU FIRe (Festival on Innovations in Research) 2019 last October 17-19. The three-day festival opened with the theme, “Complexity and Adaptation in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” which focused on how research drove the emergence of continue reading : CNU accomplishes FIRe 2019

CNU represents PH in UNESCO Regional forum
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) asserts that qualified teachers are said to be the most influential factor on students’ performance and achievement. Considering that, the attractiveness of the youth to the teaching profession has long been known as a challenge. The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for education organized a forum last continue reading : CNU represents PH in UNESCO Regional forum