Posted on by Ang Suga
Faculty members, teaching staff, and students of Cebu Normal University (CNU) gathered to open the month-long celebration of the Civil Service Month today, September 4, as part of the 123rd Philippine Civil Service Anniversary (PCSA).
The 10-year theme, “Transforming Public Service in the Next Decade: Honing Agile and Future Ready-Servant Heroes,” is helmed with its sub-theme “dynamism” to emphasize the importance of digital transformation, innovation, and excellence and continuity in public service.
In his speech, 6th CNU State Universities and Colleges (SUC) President III, Dr. Daniel A. Ariaso Sr., discussed the university’s P176.6 million budget cut in the year 2024 based on the proposed national budget submitted by the Marcos Jr. administration.
He conveyed that the situation requires much effort to retake and the university will regulate and rationalize travels to earn savings and must engage more in research.
Ariaso ended his speech with the quote by Jack Ma, “Don’t give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.”
The celebration is under the late President Fidel V. Ramos’ Presidential Proclamation No. 1050, series of 1997, which designated September as Civil Service Month.
Furthermore, various activities intended for the month-long celebration are now ready to set off. §
Words and Photos by Donna Rose Egos