In a groundbreaking move poised to revolutionize educational access in Catmon, Cebu, negotiations between Dr. Ariaso, representing Cebu Normal University (CNU), and Mayor Avis Monleon of Catmon have commenced for the establishment of a CNU campus in the municipality. The initiation of formal negotiations marks a significant milestone after Dr. Ariaso received authority from the Board of Regents (BOR) to engage in talks regarding this important venture.
The negotiation process commenced last Saturday November 18, 2023, symbolizing a momentous step forward. Catmon Mayor Avis Monleon, accompanied by Vice Mayor Armil Poro, Councilor Atty. Rowel Juban, and Executive Assistant Dr. Joel Molit, visited Dr. Ariaso at the CNU Main Campus. Their expressed interest in establishing a CNU campus in Catmon, Cebu laid the groundwork for substantive discussions. During this meeting, Dr. Ariaso was joined by Vice President for the Administration – Dr. Joseph Elvir C. Tubilan and Legal Unit Head & OIC Dean of the College of Law, Public Governance, and Safety – Atty. Lury Ed Marie V. Yray, collectively striving to finalize the signing of the deed of donation for the prospective lot.
The impending signing of the deed of donation heralds an era of collaboration between CNU and the Catmon Local Government Unit (LGU). This crucial document, once signed, will pave the way for a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between CNU and the Catmon LGU. The official signing is anticipated to take place during Dr. Ariaso’s investiture ceremony.
The establishment of a CNU campus in Catmon holds immense promise for both the educational landscape and the local community. It signifies a commitment to extending quality education beyond urban centers, catering to aspiring students in Catmon and its neighboring areas. This initiative aligns with CNU’s vision of fostering academic excellence and contributing to the holistic development of communities.
The collaboration between CNU and the Catmon LGU underscores a shared dedication to education, recognizing its pivotal role in empowering individuals and driving progress. The envisioned campus aims to not only impart knowledge but also to serve as a catalyst for socio-economic growth within the municipality.
As negotiations progress and the groundwork is laid for the CNU Catmon Campus, anticipation and enthusiasm abound, echoing the collective commitment to making quality education accessible to all. This collaboration stands as a testament to the power of partnerships in shaping a brighter future for generations to come.
The journey towards establishing the Cebu Normal University – Catmon Campus exemplifies a concerted effort towards educational inclusivity, serving as an inspiring model for fostering academic expansion and community development across regions.