In celebration of the 32nd National Statistics Month, Cebu Normal University’s – Statistical Society (CNU- StatSoc) held their first webinar entitled ”Linear and Non-Linear Regression Analysis Using MS-Excel and Desmos” today via Zoom and Facebook Live.
With the theme “Statistics Application in Research and Making Statistics Easy using Statistical Software”, the webinar emphasized the significance of mastering different statistical software in knowledge-building.
CNU-StatSoc advisor and outstanding teacher awardee Dr. Ray Ferdinand Gagani warmly welcomed the virtual audience saying that through the webinar, “everyone will surely get many insights of how important Statistics is in life.“
The webinar’s distinguished resource speaker, Dr. Roderick O. Misa, Math faculty and YouTube content creator discussed the topic of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Analysis Using MS-Excel and Desmos. The discussion was made engaging when the participants were challenged to a hands-on experience by trying out the techniques in their devices’ MS-Excel and Desmos software.
During the Question and Answer session, Misa allowed video recording as long as it is for personal and learning use only and shared that he is willing to accommodate a consultation period whenever he has “vacant time”.
“Abstract thinkers and math majors should not let the new normal hold them back, instead, they should make the best out of it by having its virtual platform be the medium in their quest for knowledge and learning, ” StatSoc mayor Hon. Eirnlyn May P. Dancel remarked.
Just like the first webinar, the rest of the webinars may follow the ‘first come, first serve’ policy for the Zoom meeting can only cater to a maximum of 300 participants.
Words by Jamaica Ola-a and Ellaine Galorport
Screenshots from Cebu Normal University – Statistical Society