The CHEDRO VII Technical Working Group (TWG) for State Universities and Colleges’ (SUCs) Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP) visited the Cebu Normal University-Medellin Campus and held a conference on Friday afternoon, October 27, 2023, at the CNU-M’s Foreign Language room. The LUDIP is based on Republic Act No. 11396, which mandates compliance with continue reading : News Update: CHEDRO VII SUC TWG for CNU’s LUDIP holds a conference at CNU-Medellin

International Conference of Nurses (ICONs) 12
It’s ICONS Season once again! Through the years, the International Conference of Nurses (ICONS) has been established as a momentous face- to-face platform to successfully convene brilliant minds across regions and countries to share expertise and best practices in the conduct of nursing research towards evidence-based quality nursing education and nursing practice. The 12th International continue reading : International Conference of Nurses (ICONs) 12

CNU opens World Teachers’ Day
Normalites paid tribute to Cebu Normal University’s (CNU) educators and faculty staff as part of the World Teachers’ Day opening this morning, October 2, held at the university grounds. After the flag ceremony proper, the program kick-started with a spoken poetry rendition by Lian Fel Rollan (Bachelor of Arts in Communication major in Broadcast Journalism I) continue reading : CNU opens World Teachers’ Day