With a few days left for Christmas, hearts are filled with excitement and joy. Preparations are in full swing, and carols fill the cool yuletide wind. The real essence of Christmas was made felt by the angelic symphonies of the Cebu Normal University – Chorale (CNU-C), warming the seventh floor of the Teaching Arts Centrum continue reading : He Came: A Yuletide Thanksgiving

CNU Balamban campus gears toward students’ welfare & development
Cebu Normal University (CNU) Balamban Campus has always strived for the development of its students in any good platforms available and possible. The University believes that the students’ welfare will always be its top priority in any undertaking, so that the students will soon become part of the country’s workforce and agents in nation-building. With continue reading : CNU Balamban campus gears toward students’ welfare & development

CTE regroups extension projects
College of Teacher Education (CTE) regrouped the faculty members in their community extension projects combining both Integrated Laboratory School (ILS) and the college department focusing on the faculty’s area of specialization. According to College Extension Chair Dr. Tizza Marie Navarro, CTE Dean Dr. Ethel Abao is innovating something this year to have one unified project continue reading : CTE regroups extension projects

English festival: A time for character play
Alluring words matched the striking costumes worn by Integrated Laboratory School (ILS) students from pre-school to high school as they celebrated the English Festival 2019 to culminate the English Month celebration. The whole day event took place last Thursday, November 28, 2019 at the ILS Centennial stage with the theme Building Stronger Relationships through Effective Communication. continue reading : English festival: A time for character play

CNU-CN holds 9th ICONS
To provide a platform among professional and student nurses to share their expertise in the conduct of nursing research towards evidence-based quality practice, College of Nursing (CN) of Cebu Normal University (CNU) hosted the 9th International Conference of Nurses (ICONS9) at the Teaching Arts Centrum Auditorium last Friday. With this year’s theme, “Bracing Disruptive Health continue reading : CNU-CN holds 9th ICONS