A group of Chinese students experienced English-associated activities to develop their language skills yesterday in Teaching Arts Centrum Auditorium of Cebu Normal University (CNU).
The group was consisted of a few faculty members and a block of sophomore students majoring in English from Jiangsu Maritime Institute (JMI) in China.
According to Liu Zhulin, faculty member and in-charge of the English majors in JMI, the students had not yet taken courses related to their major last year and were anxious in speaking the language.
“As our activities went on, [the students] began to speak eventually. I think after this period of studying, they will improve a great deal, especially their courage to speak English,” she furthered.
During the English Learning Session, the students willingly participated and interacted with the student teachers who facilitated the event.

For starters, the students played Pick and Speak where each of them should pick a number with an unknown corresponding question and answer using English language.

To put their skills into practice, student teachers encouraged them as they continued with the activities Word Relay, Find and Speak, and Running Sentences.

The session was spearheaded by Dr. Vinchita Quinto, Aletheia University interns adviser, and was supported by the group of student interns who flew to Taiwan last summer to teach English.

Susie Wang, one of the students, shared that the activities were helpful for her and for the other students in learning English language.
Words by Mikaela Jane Dagani
Photos by Lou Adrian Paghasian