CNU’s instructional delivery mode is evidence-informed

The decision of Cebu Normal University (CNU) to adopt the Flexible Teaching and Learning Delivery as its instructional delivery mode this upcoming opening of classes is evidence-informed.   This is what Vice-President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Dr. Daisy Palompon said. Read related article: [CNU adopts flexible teaching and learning delivery] She said that the decision came out continue reading : CNU’s instructional delivery mode is evidence-informed

CNU adopts flexible teaching and learning delivery

Cebu Normal University (CNU) has decided to adopt the Flexible Teaching and Learning Delivery as its instructional delivery mode for the upcoming academic year which starts this September. The announcement was made last Tuesday, July 21, through a post on the CNU official Facebook page. The Flexible Teaching and Learning Delivery makes use of online continue reading : CNU adopts flexible teaching and learning delivery

#ThankyouCNU: A tapestry of blissful memories

Cebu Normal University (CNU) celebrated its 118th founding anniversary and 22nd anniversary as a University, and as a way for its stakeholders to express their gratitude, they participated in the photo-posting activity dubbed as, #ThankyouCNU.  #ThankyouCNU was launched during the opening salvo of the two-week foundation anniversary celebration last June 15. CNU alumni, students, teachers, employees, continue reading : #ThankyouCNU: A tapestry of blissful memories

CNU nails its virtual foundation celebration closing

Cebu Normal University (CNU) culminated remotely its 118th foundation celebration and 22nd anniversary as a University upholding that it continues to thrive, lead, and serve despite the ongoing health crisis brought by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).  The Culminating Program of the 118th founding anniversary of CNU with the theme, Thriving, Leading, and Serving in the New continue reading : CNU nails its virtual foundation celebration closing

Former CNU educators embody the ‘Normalite’ excellence

Former Cebu Normal University (CNU) faculty members from across the globe shared their experiences and how they adapted to the new normal as they gathered virtually (for the first time in so many years) to commemorate the 118th founding anniversary of the institution. A session called CNU Family Interaction featuring the former educators of CNU who are continue reading : Former CNU educators embody the ‘Normalite’ excellence

CNU Alumni to the world: Testimonials of excellence

Crimson and gold, which signify excellence, inevitably become part of every Normalite’s identity after they graduate from Cebu Normal University (CNU). This is proven true yet again as some CNU alumni who have already conquered various corners of the globe gave their testament on how they took excellence with them through the talk, CNU Alumni to continue reading : CNU Alumni to the world: Testimonials of excellence

Former student leaders motivate Normalites

10 Normalite student leaders share their insights on leadership in celebration of the 118th founding anniversary of Cebu Normal University (CNU) to inspire students and aspiring student leaders on how to face the upcoming academic year ahead with the new normal. A talk on Student Leadership in CNU: Insights for the New Normal was live-streamed continue reading : Former student leaders motivate Normalites

CNU makes sure no student fails this sem

Cebu Normal University (CNU) has adopted a unique modification to the mass promotion concept as it announced the ending of the current school semester through its Strategic Action amid Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Modified Academic Plan (MAP). Read related article: [CNU decides to end the current school semester]    “None of the students will be declared failed this continue reading : CNU makes sure no student fails this sem