Graduate School Students’ Organization (GRASSO) of Cebu Normal University (CNU) initiated its first virtual GRASSO Day in the new normal last December 5, 2020 via Facebook live. With the theme, “GRASSO Day 2020: An Introspection of Phyical and Mental Awareness in the New Normal”, GRASSO aimed to continue the yearly-celebrated event, despite the tolls caused continue reading : GRASSO Day transpires online

CNU adopts flexible teaching and learning delivery
Cebu Normal University (CNU) has decided to adopt the Flexible Teaching and Learning Delivery as its instructional delivery mode for the upcoming academic year which starts this September. The announcement was made last Tuesday, July 21, through a post on the CNU official Facebook page. The Flexible Teaching and Learning Delivery makes use of online continue reading : CNU adopts flexible teaching and learning delivery

Graduate students and educators learn new trends in food processing
Current food processing techniques were learned by Cebu Normal University (CNU) graduate school students and faculty members through a lecture conducted by a volunteer professor from South Korea. A Lecture on Emerging Trends in Food Processing was held last February 15, 2020 at the Tandang Sora Nursing Hall. It was attended by graduate students who major in continue reading : Graduate students and educators learn new trends in food processing

GRASSO holds National Training Workshop on Research Instrumentation
To widen the opportunity for professional and academic growth, the Graduate School Students Organization (GRASSO) conducted the National Training Workshop on Research Instrumentation (NTWRI) last February 22 and 23, 2020 at the Tandang Sora Hall. Mr. Angelito B. Cabanilla Jr., president of GRASSO, expressed his happiness to offer “free seminar”, and extended his gratitude to continue reading : GRASSO holds National Training Workshop on Research Instrumentation

GRASSO Day resumes after 2-year halt
What was once an event geared towards re-experiencing graduate students’ avenue to escape hefty loads of paperwork has finally made a comeback. To flourish friendship and foundation, the Graduate School Students Organization (GRASSO) of Cebu Normal University (CNU) brought back GRASSO Day 2019 in various spaces of the university such as Samuel MacClintock (SM) Hall, continue reading : GRASSO Day resumes after 2-year halt