In celebration of World Water Day, Normalite Jason Banono (Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Integrated Marketing Communication and Press Relations II) won the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Regional Office (RO) 7’s regional on-the-spot painting contest last March 20, 2023. Different Cebu-based colleges and universities participated in the contest which centered on continue reading : Normalite tops DILG-7 on-the-spot painting contest

RITBPB R&D Writeshop for PCIEERD Grant
(Behind the scenes)

CNU acquires three-star rating in QS Stars
Cebu Normal University (CNU) moves forward with its vision as it was officially acclaimed as a Three (3) Stars Institution by the Quacquarelli Symond (QS) Stars Rating System on March 13, 2023. The leading multidisciplinary research university of education’s three (3) out of five (5) stars rating means that CNU is a “well-recognized [institution] nationally and continue reading : CNU acquires three-star rating in QS Stars

Extension Project In-House Review
On March 2, 2023, the Office of External Affairs and International Linkages held its annual In-House Review at Tandang Sora Hall, Cebu Normal University. This annual in-house extension project review is one of the most important activities for developing valuable skills, increasing coordination, and raising the project profile. It will bring together the faculty and continue reading : Extension Project In-House Review

CNU presents research study on the Exploration of the Quality of Graduates of Teacher Education Institution
Cebu Normal University, a leading multidisciplinary research university in education, has championed the virtuous cycle of knowledge sharing and knowledge building in teacher education. The university has been identified as the partner institution for “Study II – An Exploration of the Quality of Graduates of Teacher Education Institution” as part of the Scoping Study on Philippine continue reading : CNU presents research study on the Exploration of the Quality of Graduates of Teacher Education Institution

Collaborative Community Planning and Organization Through Partnership
Building For The Attainment of SDG 2030 At Barangay Nangka Balamban in Cebu, the Office of External Affairs and International Linkages successfully carried out the first day of training on “Collaborative Community Planning and Organization Through Partnership Building for the Attainment of SDG 2030” last February 6, 2023. The on-site program was spearheaded by Director continue reading : Collaborative Community Planning and Organization Through Partnership