Cebu Normal University (CNU) was recognized as one of the finalists under Category 2: Excellence in Flexible and Innovative Learning for the first Gawad Edukampyon Awards 2021 held via Zoom and Facebook Live this morning. With the framework “Reframing Teaching and Learning (RTL) of Cebu Normal University in the New Normal”, CNU fluttered the colors crimson continue reading : CNU finishes as finalist in 1st Gawad Edukampyon

StatSoc spearheads webinar series for Nat’l Statistics Month
In celebration of the 32nd National Statistics Month, Cebu Normal University’s – Statistical Society (CNU- StatSoc) held their first webinar entitled ”Linear and Non-Linear Regression Analysis Using MS-Excel and Desmos” today via Zoom and Facebook Live. With the theme “Statistics Application in Research and Making Statistics Easy using Statistical Software”, the webinar emphasized the significance of continue reading : StatSoc spearheads webinar series for Nat’l Statistics Month

CNU pays homage to crimson and gold educators
The posing challenge of distance and confinement did not stop Normalites from honoring their educators’ commitment and dedication in a virtual celebration of World Teacher’s Day with the theme “World Teachers’ Day 2021: Teachers at the heart of education recovery” on October 14, 2021, via Zoom and Facebook Live. In her welcome speech, Dr. Filomena T. continue reading : CNU pays homage to crimson and gold educators

EXFO Fair 2021: CNU showcases accomplishments under E-HELP
With the theme “E-HELP Program: Tracing Roots, Harvesting the Fruits”, Cebu Normal University’s (CNU) – External Affairs and International Linkages Office, in collaboration with CNU-Medellin and Balamban Campuses, displayed the different extension activities accomplished under the Education, Health, Environment, Livelihood, and Peace (E-HELP) Program through infomercial presentation last September 29, 2021, via Zoom and Facebook continue reading : EXFO Fair 2021: CNU showcases accomplishments under E-HELP