Process of Producing Wine Cocktail Drink Made from Brandy and Gin With Carbonated Orange Enhanced with Jackfruit, Pineapple, and Raisins Wine Cocktail Drink Made from Brandy and Gin with Carbonated Orange Enhanced with Jackfruit and Raisins Wine Cocktail Drink Made from Brandy and Gin with Carbonated Orange Enhanced with Jackfruit Wine Cocktail Drink Made from continue reading : Produced 4 registered Utility Models

Empathy: The starting point of healing
Perhaps there is no one else who can have more direct physical contact with those infected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) than the nurses and doctors who are working in the hospitals. It is not just in time of the pandemic that they are called to serve those who are ill but in every continue reading : Empathy: The starting point of healing

CNU to conduct 1st webinar series
Cebu Normal University (CNU) will conduct its first webinar series to be attended by all faculty members in the University to prepare for the new normal in education come academic year 2020-2021. The Webinar Series on Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching and Learning for CNU faculty members will take place on May 29 to June 5, continue reading : CNU to conduct 1st webinar series

CNU makes sure no student fails this sem
Cebu Normal University (CNU) has adopted a unique modification to the mass promotion concept as it announced the ending of the current school semester through its Strategic Action amid Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Modified Academic Plan (MAP). Read related article: [CNU decides to end the current school semester] “None of the students will be declared failed this continue reading : CNU makes sure no student fails this sem

CNU to hold phone interviews
Cebu Normal University (CNU) will conduct phone or online interviews for the first year qualifiers of AY 2020-2021 as the new normal calls for it to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The phone or online interviews will take place from May 18 – June 12, 2020. The pre-enrollment period will follow afterward continue reading : CNU to hold phone interviews

1st Year Qualifiers Schedule of Phone/Online Interview & Pre-enrollment
Attention: First Year Qualifiers for AY 2020-2021 Schedule of phone/online Interview and Pre-enrollment INTERVIEW SCHEDULE May 18 – June 12, 2020 Note: For the interview, a faculty interviewer will contact the student qualifier through mobile phone. Qualifiers are then advised to keep their lines (the ones they provided in the application form) open from May continue reading : 1st Year Qualifiers Schedule of Phone/Online Interview & Pre-enrollment

CNU decides to end the current school semester
Cebu Normal University (CNU) has decided to end the current school semester heeding the majority of its student’s call as indicated in the University’s Strategic Action amid Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Modified Academic Plan (MAP). Read: [CNU Strategic Actions Amid COVID-19] The CNU Supreme Student Council (SSC) conducted a General Contingency Survey last April 21 continue reading : CNU decides to end the current school semester

Balik Scientist awardee reaps American national award
Dr. Rose Constantino, a Balik Scientist Program (BSP) awardee was recognized by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as a recipient of their 2020 National Awards and will be inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame later this year. Constantino, an expert on psychiatry, mental health nursing, and forensic nursing, has partnered with Cebu Normal University continue reading : Balik Scientist awardee reaps American national award

CNU implements strategic action amid COVID-19
As approved by Cebu Normal University (CNU) Board of Regents through Board Resolution No. 21, s. 2020 last April 29, 2020, the university has now finalized its approach for the current and upcoming school year in response to the ongoing global pandemic. The CNU Strategic Action was formulated based on existing data and realistic scenarios continue reading : CNU implements strategic action amid COVID-19

CNU assists its stranded students
Cebu Normal University (CNU) has launched a new initiative under the Innovative CNU Assistance and Relief Effort (iCARE) Program called Adopt-a-Student to assist students who are stranded in Cebu during the implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). iCARE: Adopt-a-Student was officially launched last Friday, May 1, 2020 online through the University’s Public Information Office continue reading : CNU assists its stranded students