
Philippine Standard Time:

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Frequently Asked Questions


A. Introduction to the Performance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) for National Government Agencies and Employees

a. What is PBIS?

b. What is PBB?

c. What is the difference between PBIS and PBB?

d. What is the difference between PBB and the bonuses currently given to national government employees?

e. How much will the PBB be?

f. Will government employees get less as a result of PBIS?

g. Is it fair for government employees who will get less than what they used to get?

h. Is the PBB just a new name for an additional “Christmas Bonus” for government employees?

i. Why do we need the PBB when we already have all these other bonuses?

j. How will the PBI be funded?

k. How will the PBIS be implemented?

l. When will the PBB be given out to employees?

m. Will all employees get their PBB by the end of 2012?

n. Do agency heads have the authority to redistribute the PBB equally to their employees?


B. PBIS Coverage

a. Which agencies and employees are covered by the PBIS?

b. Are Congress, the Judiciary and other constitutional offices covered by PBIS?

c. Are casual and contractual employees included?

d. Who are not covered by the PBIS?

e. Will those employees who are not covered by the PBIS still receive bonuses?


C. PBB Eligibility Criteria

a. How can an agency be eligible for the PBB under the PBIS?

b. What are Good Governance conditions?

  1. What are the Good Governance Conditions set by the AO 25 Task Force for fiscal year 2012?
  2. What is the Agency Transparency Seal?
  3. What information should agencies post on PhilGEPS?
  4. What are Citizen’s Charters?
  5. How will the agencies’ compliance to Good Governance conditions be validated?

c. What are the Performance Targets that agencies should meet?

  1. What is a performance target?
  2. How are the performance targets for PBB set?
  3. What is an MFO?
  4. What are the performance indicators for MFOs?
  5. What is STO?
  6. What is GASS?
  7. Are support services of agencies included in the PBB?
  8. Are performance targets lower than FY 2011 accomplishments acceptable?


D. Evaluation and Ranking of Performance for PBB

a. What is the PBB system of evaluation and ranking?

b. How will the performance of bureaus or delivery units be evaluated and ranked?

c. How will individual performance be evaluated?

d. How much PBB will be given to employees at every rank?

e. Who will determine the bureau and employee rankings?

f. What if my supervisor does not like me?

g. Can I appeal the rating that I received from my supervisor? How and where can I forward my complaint?


E. PBIS Governance, Policy and Prospective Developments

a. Who is governing the implementation of PBIS?

b. What is the governance mechanism for the implementation of PBIS in every government department and agency?

c. What happens after the pilot implementation of PBIS in 2012?

d. Is the PBIS a standalone program or part of a larger one?

e. What is the RBPMS?

f. What are the features of the RBPMS?

g. Who is developing the RBPMS?


Frequently Asked Questions (Download PDF file)