Cebu Normal University (CNU), with its vision to become a leading multidisciplinary research University, launched the integration process of international and intercultural dimensions through a Student Exchange Program in consortium with Aletheia University (AU) in Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan.
The said program took place last June 29 to August 12, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan.
The program aims to enhance teaching, research, and institutional service delivery that includes internationalization of education among nations and cultures, thus establishing international, intercultural, and global dimensions among countries, companies, and institutions.
The expected outcome of the internationalization program is to establish international networks and associations, to mobilize transfer of knowledge toward advanced policies and global research to enhance investments, and to measure its impact.
It is also open to the possibilities of building social and economic capacity with highly developing countries and sustaining growing science and scholarship through dynamic academic exchanges.
The exposure of students to exchange programs, scholarships, and researchers from other parts of the world may influence the creation of new knowledge through an internationally open program, classroom, and institution.
Dr. Maximo Aljibe, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Region VII Director has witnessed how the exchange program of student interns from CNU made an impact to young Taiwanese English campers.
The CNU-AU interns were composed of undergraduate and graduate students coming from two colleges, namely College of Teacher Education (CTE) and College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) where allied courses are offered.

The interns mostly come from the Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSEd) Major in English and Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEEd) with concentration on Teaching Communication Arts. The other interns also come from the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Communication and from the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Tourism Management.
The interns were tasked to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) to Taiwanese students aged five to 17 years old focusing on listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, society and arts, physical education, math and science.
The interns were assigned to handle an English Summer Camp: Camp A with 19 campers, Camp B with 28 campers, and Camp C with 11 campers.
The camps were managed by Dr. Wilson Lin, AU Director for Continuing Education and Dr. Vinchita Quinto, CNU English Professor and Extension Services Chair. (VGQ)
Photos retrieved from Ang Suga Publication