A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the implementation of the “BJMP and Psychosocial Health and Wellness Support Program” was successfully signed on June 1, 2023, at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Guadalupe Cebu City, Cebu. This significant accomplishment formalized the partnership between the Cebu Normal University and the BJMP, strengthening their joint effort to offer psychosocial support services to inmates at the facility in Naga City, Cebu. The MOA signing ceremony was an important ceremony that demonstrated both parties’ dedication and commitment to providing detainees with extensive mental health and wellness initiatives.
The MOA signing ceremony was attended by significant individuals signed by both parties, including Director Naila Y. Beltran (Director, External Affairs and International Linkages) and Dr. Emmanuel V. Hernani, RPsyc ICAP III, project leader, who played a pivotal role in guiding the overall development and implementation of the Psychosocial Support Program. His expertise and leadership ensured that the program addressed the unique needs of the detainees and facilitated their journey toward improved mental health and well-being. To represent the BJMP were JCSUPT Efren A. Nemeo, DPA, TLPE (Regional Director of the Jail Bureau) from BJMP Region VII-Naga City Jail, as well as JCINSP Roberto Crisanto L. Alpon III (Warden, Naga City Jail – MD).
The success of the program was extremely important to both parties as it aims to make a positive impact on the lives of detainees, fostering their mental health and resilience. It represents a significant stride towards empowering detainees and enhancing their well-being through the comprehensive Psychosocial Health and Wellness Support Program.
The presence of these influential individuals from Cebu Normal University and BJMP Region VII-Naga City Jail showcased the strong collaboration between academic and correctional institutions, emphasizing the shared commitment to improving the psychosocial well-being of detainees. In turn, this endeavor proves that CNU goes beyond its walls and extends help to the community through responsive programs and partnerships.