Dr. Jay Picardal,RITBPB director; Dr. Lelani Dapat, CRD director; Dr. Grace Malaga, CNU Catmon Campus director; Ms. Laarne Pontillas, CNU Medellin Campus director; Dr. Chrysler Cabusa, CNU Medellin dean; Dr. Rose Fantonial, CNU Catmon dean; and Dr. Marchee Picardal, IRIID Translational Research Division chair went to UPLB’s Institute of Food Science and Technology to explore continue reading : Seven administrative officials of Cebu Normal University visited the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) and the Department of Science and Technology for an exploratory learning engagement last week

Task Force #CNUmon visits Boljoon; aims to promote “mana” thru art and culture
The Cebu Normal University (CNU) project team for co-creating the cinnamon industry in Cebu visited Barangay San Antonio in Boljoon town today for an immersive experience in the local cinnamon plantation and engage with the cinnamon farmers. Led by Dr. Jay Picardal, director of the Research Institute for Tropical Biology and Pharmacological Biotechnology (RITPB), the continue reading : Task Force #CNUmon visits Boljoon; aims to promote “mana” thru art and culture

Cebu Normal University (CNU), through its President, Dr. Daniel A. Ariaso, Sr., along with Dr. Marchee Picardal, the project leader, participated in the DOST-PCIEERD Grand Ceremonial MOA Signing for the recently approved project titled “Development of a Science Communication Toolkit for Institutional Development Program (IDP) Laboratories”.
This CNU project is one of the 76 approved projects out of the 306 submitted proposals in the 2024 Call for Funding by the DOST-PCIEERD. This aims to strengthen science communication and outreach for IDP laboratories, empowering them to share their work with a broader audience. This is a significant step towards advancing science education continue reading : Cebu Normal University (CNU), through its President, Dr. Daniel A. Ariaso, Sr., along with Dr. Marchee Picardal, the project leader, participated in the DOST-PCIEERD Grand Ceremonial MOA Signing for the recently approved project titled “Development of a Science Communication Toolkit for Institutional Development Program (IDP) Laboratories”.

RITBPB holds 2nd Batch of capability training-workshop for Cinnamon Project
As part of the NEDA National Innovation Grant 2024 project titled “From Farm to Market: Co-creating the Cinnamon Industry in Cebu, Philippines,” the second batch of Cebu Normal University faculty members who are affiliate researchers took part in today’s training workshop on the Development of Cinnamon-Based Educational Resources. The workshop organized by CNU’s Research Institute continue reading : RITBPB holds 2nd Batch of capability training-workshop for Cinnamon Project

RITBPB conducts capability training-workshop for Cinnamon Project
To strengthen the 2023 National Economic and Development Authority’s (NEDA) innovation project granted to Cebu Normal University, the Research Institute of Tropical Biology and Pharmacological Biotechnology (RITBPB) conducts a training-workshop to select faculty members at the RITBPB center this morning. Led by the RITBPB Director Dr. Jay Picardal, the training-workshop gathers faculty members to produce continue reading : RITBPB conducts capability training-workshop for Cinnamon Project

Congratulations to Cebu Normal University for the approval of the project “Development of Science Communication Toolkit for Institutional Development Program (IDP) Laboratories” under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-PCIEERD 2024 Call for Funding (Science Communication Sector).
The team is composed of project leader Dr. Marchee T. Picardal and team members Dr Jay P. Picardal, Dr. Joseph Elvir Tubilan, Dr. Rivika Alda, and Dr. Joje Mar Sanchez, along with the affiliate researchers: Dr. Remedios Bacus, Dr. Janet Mananay, Mr. Angelito Cabanilla, Dr. Angeline Pogoy, Dr. Helen Boholano, Dr. Genara Pacana, Dr. Lelani continue reading : Congratulations to Cebu Normal University for the approval of the project “Development of Science Communication Toolkit for Institutional Development Program (IDP) Laboratories” under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-PCIEERD 2024 Call for Funding (Science Communication Sector).

LGU, industry collaborator explore Cinnamon Project expansion
The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Argao and Community MICE, a Japan-based community organization and a CNU industry collaborator, convene to discuss the potential expansion of the Cinnamon Project in Argao town, southern Cebu. The meeting covers initial steps for the project, such as cinnamon propagation, soil and weather assessment, and other environmental considerations. The continue reading : LGU, industry collaborator explore Cinnamon Project expansion

Monitoring and Evaluation of the NEDA Innovation Project 2023 Granted to CNU
The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) team recently embarked on a site visit to San Antonio, Boljoon, to oversee the progress of the “From Farm to Market: Co-creating the Cinnamon Industry in Cebu” project. During the visit, Camille Rivera-Argana, Supervising Economic Development Specialist, along with the NEDA’s Innovation Fund Management continue reading : Monitoring and Evaluation of the NEDA Innovation Project 2023 Granted to CNU

CNU, DOST-7, LGU Alegria ink MOU for iSTART Program in Alegria
The Cebu Normal University, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-7, and the local government unit of Alegria, Cebu enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today for the implementation of the Innovation, Science and Technology for Accelerating Regional Technology-Based Development (iSTART) Program in the southwestern town. This tripartite agreement aims to help Alegria in continue reading : CNU, DOST-7, LGU Alegria ink MOU for iSTART Program in Alegria

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance
#CTE #Projectproposals #ProjectFunding #RITBPB Thank you CNU for this opportunity thru RITBPB. We are excited sir Jay P. Picardal Onwards we go!!!