Medical-Dental MissionDecember 09, 2023Sanctuario di Padre Pio – Cebu, Pulang Bato organized by ST PADRE PIO CONTEMPLATIVE COMMUNITY CEBU FOUNDATION in cooperation with the👉Couples for Christ (CFC)👉Research Institute of Ageing and Health (RIAH) of Cebu Normal University 👉Catholic Medical Students Guild👉Acacia Drive Homeowners Association (ADHOA) Thank you so much organizers and volunteers!

Seminar: Elderly Care in Denmark
Seminar: Elderly Care in Denmark on November 14, 2023 at E-classrom Research Institute of Ageing and Health; University of Cebu; Federation of CNU Alumni Association; College of Nursing Speaker: Helene Marie Helso, University College Absalon-Denmark

International Conference of Nurses (ICONs) 12
It’s ICONS Season once again! Through the years, the International Conference of Nurses (ICONS) has been established as a momentous face- to-face platform to successfully convene brilliant minds across regions and countries to share expertise and best practices in the conduct of nursing research towards evidence-based quality nursing education and nursing practice. The 12th International continue reading : International Conference of Nurses (ICONs) 12

The Research Institute for Ageing and Health (RIAH) of Cebu Normal University conducted a Senior’s Day in Brgy. Tabunan, Cebu City last March 19, 2023. The activity is part of the RIAH advocacy for senior citizens. A health education was conducted and the twist initiated was the Zumba gold. Ways of caring for the self continue reading : SENIOR’S DAY with a TWIST

The 1st Health Systems Research Workshop Series In the University
Health research has high value to society. It can provide important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions, functional abilities, patterns of care, and health care costs and use. The different approaches to research provide complementary insights. These forms of health research have led to significant discoveries, the continue reading : The 1st Health Systems Research Workshop Series In the University