The Cebu Normal University Academic and Administrative Council along with the CNU-Office of the Solicitor General approve for posting and for publication and the conduct of the public and stakeholders’ consultations for the draft of the 2024 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 8688. Click on this link to access the document: continue reading : DRAFT OF THE 2024 IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8688 FOR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS

CNU acquires three-star rating in QS Stars
Cebu Normal University (CNU) moves forward with its vision as it was officially acclaimed as a Three (3) Stars Institution by the Quacquarelli Symond (QS) Stars Rating System on March 13, 2023. The leading multidisciplinary research university of education’s three (3) out of five (5) stars rating means that CNU is a “well-recognized [institution] nationally and continue reading : CNU acquires three-star rating in QS Stars

Sen. Villanueva visits, delivers academic dialogue at CNU
“TESDAMAN” and Senate Committee on Higher, Technical, and Vocational Education Chairman Senator Joel Villanueva came to Cebu Normal University (CNU) and conveyed a discourse within the spectrum of academic undertakings and approaches to higher education held in Tandang Sora Hall yesterday afternoon. The approximately hour-long event thrived through an in-person forum with the selected CNU administration continue reading : Sen. Villanueva visits, delivers academic dialogue at CNU

CNU finishes as finalist in 1st Gawad Edukampyon
Cebu Normal University (CNU) was recognized as one of the finalists under Category 2: Excellence in Flexible and Innovative Learning for the first Gawad Edukampyon Awards 2021 held via Zoom and Facebook Live this morning. With the framework “Reframing Teaching and Learning (RTL) of Cebu Normal University in the New Normal”, CNU fluttered the colors crimson continue reading : CNU finishes as finalist in 1st Gawad Edukampyon

CNU pays homage to crimson and gold educators
The posing challenge of distance and confinement did not stop Normalites from honoring their educators’ commitment and dedication in a virtual celebration of World Teacher’s Day with the theme “World Teachers’ Day 2021: Teachers at the heart of education recovery” on October 14, 2021, via Zoom and Facebook Live. In her welcome speech, Dr. Filomena T. continue reading : CNU pays homage to crimson and gold educators

Excelsior: Dayagbil and Her ‘Ever Upward’ Direction
Under the leading lights of the outgoing university president, Cebu Normal University (CNU) had achieved a good number of recognitions and awards which catapulted the university’s name to top excellence. Crimson and gold glimmered during Dr. Filomena T. Dayagbil’s four-year term as a product of purposeful collaboration between the administration and stakeholders. To formalize continue reading : Excelsior: Dayagbil and Her ‘Ever Upward’ Direction

CNU-ILS book month celebration unleashes students’ creativity, transforms students into well-loved characters
Who would have thought that cartoon characters could come to life? Yes, it happened in such an adorable way as students from Cebu Normal University-Integrated Laboratory School (CNU-ILS) portrayed their favorite book and movie characters during the culmination of the English Month 2020: A Book Month Celebration. Fun-filled activities conducted by the CNU-ILS for the continue reading : CNU-ILS book month celebration unleashes students’ creativity, transforms students into well-loved characters

CNU-ILS culminates UN month 2020 virtually
Cebu Normal University-Integrated Laboratory School (CNU-ILS) culminated the United Nations (UN) Month highlighting the significance of collaboration amidst diversity and care for plants in line with the 2020 International Year of Plant Health. The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) teams were also relaunched as part of the UN Month Culminating Activity which was streamed through continue reading : CNU-ILS culminates UN month 2020 virtually

Educators avert anxiety through work-life balance webinar
Cebu Normal University (CNU) educators were given tips on how to create work-life balance through a webinar to help them cope with the challenging situation brought by the pandemic. The webinar entitled Creating Work-Life Balance was conducted last Friday, October 23, 2020, via the Zoom platform that was attended by CNU College of Teacher Education (CTE) and continue reading : Educators avert anxiety through work-life balance webinar

CNU-ILS culminates Sci-Math month recognizing its role in the pandemic
The Cebu Normal University-Integrated Laboratory School (CNU-ILS) culminated the Science and Math (Sci-Math) Month highlighting the importance of Science and Math in combating the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) health crisis. CNU-ILS exhibited the activities and outputs of its learners that were done during the entire month of September virtually for the first time this year. continue reading : CNU-ILS culminates Sci-Math month recognizing its role in the pandemic