This project, “SABON SA PAGLAUM; BUWA SAKAUGMAON” (Soap for Hope; Bubbles for the Future) is led by a group of permanentand part time faculty members of CNU Medellin Campus.

another group of extensionists from CNU Medellin successfully conducted a Graduation Day for the beneficiaries of the extension project
Arnis forTanods (ArT): A mixed Marshal Arts training for barangay tanods of Medellin Cebu.

a group of CNU Medellin extensionists successfully conducted a Recognition Day for the beneficiaries of the extension project: Mama, Papa Na; Maistra, Maistro Pa
An Extension Project to Strengthen the Role of Parents asTutors in Barangay Daanlungsod, Medellin, Cebu. This project aimed at tutoringlearners from Grades 1 to 3 in Arithmetic, Reading, and Writing.

Produced 4 registered Utility Models
Process of Producing Wine Cocktail Drink Made from Brandy and Gin With Carbonated Orange Enhanced with Jackfruit, Pineapple, and Raisins Wine Cocktail Drink Made from Brandy and Gin with Carbonated Orange Enhanced with Jackfruit and Raisins Wine Cocktail Drink Made from Brandy and Gin with Carbonated Orange Enhanced with Jackfruit Wine Cocktail Drink Made from continue reading : Produced 4 registered Utility Models