7th International (8th National) Teacher Education Student Conference

The 7th International (8th National) Teacher Education Student Conference (TEStCon) organized by Cebu Normal University – College of Teacher Education has been moved from April 3-4, 2020 to October 23-24, 2020 at the Cebu Normal University Teaching Arts Centrum Auditorium. The new schedule is in consideration of the CHED guidelines for the prevention, control, and continue reading : 7th International (8th National) Teacher Education Student Conference

Extension Business Week: Empowering communities

Cebu Normal University (CNU) through its External Affairs and International Linkages (EAIL) office held its Extension Business Week to converge the academe, industry, and its community partners. The two day event took place last October 25 and 26, 2019 at the CNU Teaching Arts Centrum (TAC) building. The first day was attended by community partners continue reading : Extension Business Week: Empowering communities

Balik Scientist Program awardee collaborates with CNU

Balik Scientist Awardee partnered with Cebu Normal University (CNU) to implement its research project about senior citizens’ health. Balik Scientist is a program of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) which encourages migrants who are naturally born from the Philippines to be back in continue reading : Balik Scientist Program awardee collaborates with CNU

GPPB-TSO collaborates with CNU to yield procurement experts

Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) through its Technical Support Office (TSO) has partnered with Cebu Normal University (CNU) to implement its Professionalization program to train Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) members, secretariats, Technical Working Group (TWG) and others on procurement processes. According to Dr. Rodin Paspasan, BAC Vice Chair, CNU was chosen by GPPB-TSO among continue reading : GPPB-TSO collaborates with CNU to yield procurement experts

CNU represents PH in UNESCO Regional forum

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) asserts that qualified teachers are said to be the most influential factor on students’ performance and achievement. Considering that, the attractiveness of the youth to the teaching profession has long been known as a challenge. The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for education organized a forum last continue reading : CNU represents PH in UNESCO Regional forum

CNU: A sustainable and eco-friendly school

Cebu Normal University (CNU) showcased environmental efforts as juries assessed the school vying for the 2019 National Search for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Schools. CNU presented its environment-friendly initiatives that encompass the three-fold functions of the University: instruction, research, and extension through its different programs and projects exhibited under the five strands, namely solid waste management, continue reading : CNU: A sustainable and eco-friendly school

Grateful students pay tribute to their awesome teachers

(Photo by Ang Suga) Cebu Normal University (CNU) students paid tribute to all Normalite educators as the World Teachers’ Day is celebrated. All teachers from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Teacher Education (CTE) and Integrated Laboratory School (ILS), and College of Nursing (CN) were gathered at the Samuel McClintock (SM) Hall continue reading : Grateful students pay tribute to their awesome teachers

CNU-CTE hurdles two AACCUP visits

Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP) conducted two visits in Cebu Normal University (CNU) to accredit two curricular programs of the College of Teacher Education (CTE). AACCUP conducted its 3rd survey visit for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Research and Evaluation (PhD RE) program and a continue reading : CNU-CTE hurdles two AACCUP visits

CNU President speaks in National Assembly of Education Leaders

The Association of Department of Education (DepEd) Directors, Inc. invited Cebu Normal University (CNU) President Filomena Dayagbil as discussant during the national assembly of education leaders held on September 24-26, 2019 at the Marriott Hotel in Pasay City with the theme, Challenged Leaders: Embracing the Future, Braving the Challenges. Together with Dr. Dayagbil in the continue reading : CNU President speaks in National Assembly of Education Leaders