Cebu Normal University (CNU) is set to play a pivotal role in the upcoming 20th Quadrennial International Association of Physical Education and Sports for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) 2025 World Congress, which will be held in Cebu. On August 15, 2024, Geraldine Go Bernardo, Founder and President of the Sport Management Council of the Philippines (SportPhil), visited CNU for a strategic meeting at the Office for Internationalization to discuss future collaboration.
The IAPESGW 2025 World Congress is a globally significant event that gathers professionals, scholars, and advocates in physical education and sports from around the world to promote gender equality and empower women and girls. While Cebu will host this prestigious event, CNU will take a leading role in driving the congress’s agenda and ensuring its success, with key contributions from its academic departments.
CNU’s Kinesthetic Department, led by Department Chair Dr. Jucel Jaluague, will be at the forefront of the university’s involvement, coordinating essential activities and initiatives related to physical education and sports. Additionally, the College of Culture, Arts, and Sports Research Institute for Creative Works and Performing Arts, under the leadership of Dr. Rosita Hernani, will also play a crucial role, bringing a rich cultural and research-focused perspective to the event.
Dr. Janet Mananay, the Director for Internationalization at CNU, expressed her anticipation about the university’s involvement. “This congress presents a unique opportunity for Cebu Normal University to be at the forefront of global discussions on the future of physical education and sports for women and girls. We are thrilled to take on a leadership role in this important event, with our Kinesthetic Department and College of Culture, Arts, and Sports Research Institute leading the charge.”
The meeting between CNU and SportPhil marks a significant step forward in the planning and preparation for the 2025 World Congress. CNU’s leadership in the event will highlight its dedication to internationalization and its commitment to advancing education and sports on a global stage.
As preparations for the IAPESGW 2025 World Congress progress, CNU will collaborate with local and international partners to ensure that the event makes a meaningful impact on the field of physical education and sports for women and girls worldwide.