1st Annual True State of the University Address Dr. Daniel A. Ariaso, Sr. SUC President III20 January 2024 Welcome to this first-ever Annual True State of the University Address. I would like to greet and give my respect to our visitors who have confirmed physically and virtually. Some of them will be given recorded messages. continue reading : 1st Annual True State of the University Address

Cebu Congressman Galeos files bill establishing CNU Argao
LATEST | Cebu Congressman Galeos files bill establishing CNU Argao A bill seeking to establish a regular campus of Cebu Normal University in the Municipality of Argao, southern Cebu has been filed in the House of Representatives. Cebu Second District Representative Edsel Galeos filed House Bill 11258, which eyes to significantly improve access to higher education, especially continue reading : Cebu Congressman Galeos files bill establishing CNU Argao