Seminar: Elderly Care in Denmark on November 14, 2023 at E-classrom Research Institute of Ageing and Health; University of Cebu; Federation of CNU Alumni Association; College of Nursing Speaker: Helene Marie Helso, University College Absalon-Denmark

CNU conducts orientation and roadmap development for ESD and GCED
Cebu Normal University (CNU) — spearheaded by the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Office — successfully conducted a three-day workshop entitled “Training and Developing Futures Thinking Research: Brainstorming CNU Writing Proposal Writeshop on ESD and GCEd.” This workshop is also supported by the Planning, Foresight, and Futures Thinking Unit and was participated by administrative officials, continue reading : CNU conducts orientation and roadmap development for ESD and GCED

CNU waves flag at PASUC 7
All hail crimson and gold! Cebu Normal University (CNU) proudly bagged numerous championship titles on the second day of the 2023 Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) – Culture and the Arts Festival of Region 7 held at Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) yesterday, November 13. With the theme, “United amidst Diversities; Strong in the continue reading : CNU waves flag at PASUC 7

CNU welcomes distinguished professor from Indonesia
Professor Achmad Arifin, affiliated with the Biomedical Engineering Department at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) of Indonesia, visited Cebu Normal University (CNU) last 06-07 November 2023 to meet with various offices to create a meaningful working partnership. The collaboration between CNU and ITS began through the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) continue reading : CNU welcomes distinguished professor from Indonesia

Face-to-face contract signings with winning bidders
The Office of the University President is pleased to announce the successful face-to-face contract signings with winning bidders for various procurement projects conducted through public bidding. This milestone highlights the university’s commitment to transparency and collaboration. These signings underscore CNU’s dedication to fairness and excellence in procurement, showcasing the strong partnerships established to bring these continue reading : Face-to-face contract signings with winning bidders

Lecture Series on Language Documentation in a Multilingual Society
CNU English Language Majors gathered on October 26, 2023 at the Tandang Sora Hall to listen and learn from an informative lecture series organized by Dr. Janet Mananay and the English Fellows Organization about the realities and complexities of the English language in globalization. The lecture started with a thought provoking question by Dr. Reynaldo continue reading : Lecture Series on Language Documentation in a Multilingual Society