Cebu Normal University (CNU) continues to uphold its distinction as a Center of Excellence in Teacher Education as it gathered educators from across the globe during the 7th International and 8th National Teacher Education Student Conference (TEStCon). TEStCon 2020 themed Making Education Sustainable in the New Normal took place last November 23 to 24, 2020 via the continue reading : Researchers convene in virtual TEStCon 2020

CNU lauds awardees through virtual recognition activity
Amidst the pandemic, Cebu Normal University (CNU) launched the recognition ceremony online to honor exemplary performances of students for the academic year 2019-2020 through Facebook live and Zoom platform this afternoon. The event formally started with welcoming words from Dr. Daisy R. Palompon, Vice President for Academic Affairs, stating that the power of small wins continue reading : CNU lauds awardees through virtual recognition activity

HEdConnect 7 imparts knowledge on food technology and physical education
Educators imparted knowledge on the innovations in food preservation, safety, and technology as well as on the challenges in teaching and learning physical education and sports pedagogy during the 7th session of Higher Education Connect (HEdConnect). The two-part series of HEdConnect 7 organized by Cebu Normal University-College of Teacher Education (CNU-CTE) faculty members took place continue reading : HEdConnect 7 imparts knowledge on food technology and physical education

CNU opens its online student portal
Cebu Normal University (CNU) undergraduate and graduate students can now view their grades online through the CNU Student Portal. The CNU Student Portal can be accessed by the undergraduate and graduate school students. It can also be found under the Registrar tab of the CNU website. “I’m so happy that CNU finally got its own online student portal. continue reading : CNU opens its online student portal

CNU holds VRCon 2020
Cebu Normal University – Center for Research and Development (CNU-CRD’s) annual research congress took its online form this year in the Virtual Research Congress (VRCon) 2020 to highlight the research discoveries, innovations, and services of the institution. The three-day congress with the theme Reframing the Landscape of Knowledge Generation in the New Normal took place last October continue reading : CNU holds VRCon 2020

CNU-ILS culminates UN month 2020 virtually
Cebu Normal University-Integrated Laboratory School (CNU-ILS) culminated the United Nations (UN) Month highlighting the significance of collaboration amidst diversity and care for plants in line with the 2020 International Year of Plant Health. The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) teams were also relaunched as part of the UN Month Culminating Activity which was streamed through continue reading : CNU-ILS culminates UN month 2020 virtually