To address the issue of teenage pregnancy among college students, College of Teacher Education (CTE) conducted a seminar on Early Pregnancy and Child-Bearing at the Teaching Arts Centrum (TAC) Auditorium yesterday. The speaker, Dr. Michelle A. Cellona, started the seminar by presenting key facts about the issue of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines wherein according continue reading : CTE initiates Early Pregnancy and Child-Bearing Seminar

GRASSO holds National Training Workshop on Research Instrumentation
To widen the opportunity for professional and academic growth, the Graduate School Students Organization (GRASSO) conducted the National Training Workshop on Research Instrumentation (NTWRI) last February 22 and 23, 2020 at the Tandang Sora Hall. Mr. Angelito B. Cabanilla Jr., president of GRASSO, expressed his happiness to offer “free seminar”, and extended his gratitude to continue reading : GRASSO holds National Training Workshop on Research Instrumentation